7 Ideas on What to Do with Old Circular Saw Blades

29 Aug.,2023


Last Updated on December 22, 2022 by Barry Gray

No matter how often you use your circular saw, there will come a time when that saw blade is kind of past its best. So, in that situation, what do you do? 

Well, I do admit that my first thought is to go ahead and throw it in the trash. However, while that is indeed an option, it’s not the only one that’s open to you. In fact, you have more options and things you can do than you perhaps expect.

Now, I know you are probably sitting there scratching your head about your options. But don’t worry, I’m going to help you out. 

You see, I myself did some head-scratching, but when you stop to think about it, you do have several things you could do. I’m not saying they will all appeal to you, but at the end of the day, I do feel that you could view your circular saw blades in an entirely different light after this.

I love spending some time trying to work out what to do with all of those old tools and bits. It’s surprising how things can build up in your workshop, and you find yourself left wondering what to do with all of this kind of waste. 

Why Worry About What to Do With These Old Blades?

But some people may find themselves sitting there wondering why we should even worry about what to then do with our old blades. Well, I can think of a few reasons.

First, I feel we all have a duty of care when disposing of something that could potentially injure people if it’s done incorrectly. I don’t think anybody would want that to happen, so you still need to understand what to do, even if you plan on just throwing the blade in the trash.

Also, I just think it’s a real shame when you see yourself throwing out an item that does actually have some type of use left in it. It used to be the case that people would always seek to repair an item or use it in a different way wherever possible, and that’s something we tend to ignore now.

With that in mind, I want to try to change a few things and tempt you into potentially searching out ways you can continue to use that old saw blade. You never know; you may feel inspired and then look at other tools or bits that you could then manage to reuse in a completely different way.

So, let’s get on with checking out the different ideas.

Option 1: Recycle

The first option, which is also perhaps the most obvious choice, is to recycle them. I think this is the best idea; your local recycling place will undoubtedly have facilities to allow you to do this.

But one other option, when it comes to recycling at least, is to see what the blade manufacturer has to say about it. Some will offer you the opportunity to recycle the blade through them, which could be a great way to approach this. However, if that’s not the case, then anywhere that works on recycling scrap metal will be happy to take them.

Also, I think this is the safest option out there as well. It should be pretty easy to find a location nearby, and if you find yourself struggling to know what to do, then this is the option I would take.

If you do intend to use this option, then you may wish to call ahead and ask if they have any special requirements for recycling. However, you should have no issues or concerns. 

Option 2: Donations

Another option is to donate those old circular saw blades. This option only applies when you know the blades still have some ability to make a number of cuts before they are finally past their best. If that’s the case, then it may be possible to give those old blades to other groups or individuals who will only be more than happy to take them off your hands.

The types of places that may be interested include local community groups where they get together and make various things or even a local trade school. A local artist may even want to use them in some projects, but I do admit that’s perhaps the toughest possible idea.

I would even advertise in your local area that you have some old circular saw blades that you would like to donate. You may be surprised at who contacts you and wants them.

Also, do a local search or place a notice on local Facebook groups telling people what you have. A blade that is not quite doing it for you can still prove a valuable addition for others, but only if some degree of sharpness is in the blade. 

Option 3: Re-Use the Steel

If you have the tools available, then I suggest you attempt to reuse the steel. Other people have taken a Circular Saw Blade and managed to manufacture knives or even hatchets from a blade. Basically, anything you can go ahead and fashion into a sharp object can then be manufactured from an old circular saw blade.

But I admit you do need the correct tools in your workshop that allow you to work with metal. If you don’t, then you must think elsewhere. This option will just not work for you. Of course, you could see if anybody in your area has the ability to do this for you if it’s not something you can create in your own workshop.

I do admit that this option requires you to spend some time thinking about the possibilities that could come from this steel blade. My advice is to think about what you would do and then look at the tools you currently have available to determine if this is indeed an option.

But to give you some insight into what’s possible, here is one example.

Tips On Making a Knife From a Circular Saw Blade

So, I mentioned the potential for manufacturing a knife, but I see how it’s a big leap from taking a saw blade and managing to then create a knife. 

Honestly, it’s easier than you imagine. 

The key here is to mark out the knife on the saw blade. That allows you to better understand how to cut it out. After cutting out the blade, you need to sharpen the knife’s edge before attaching a handle. 

The good news is you do have the option of checking out a whole host of videos online that give you a step-by-step guide on how to do this. I’ve checked them out, and you don’t require too much in the way of experience to then get something that will prove highly functional. 

But I do understand how you need the ability to cut metal for this option. Not everyone can do this, but if you have the means, I’d certainly consider doing this, as it really is a fantastic way to reuse the steel. Also, if you check out the reviews, people do feel it has the potential to make a pretty good knife if done correctly, of course.

Option 4: Decor

This option can be a bit of fun, but these saw blades can be turned into a bit of home decor for your workshop. There can be something endearing about these saw blades, and if you have an old blade mixed in with other saw blades, you can certainly have a somewhat rustic-looking piece of art.

This allows you to leave the blade as rusty as you want, or if that’s not the look you want, you can polish it up in your workshop.

But if the idea of arranging blades together does not appeal, and I understand it’s not something that will appeal to everyone, then a quick search online will throw up a number of other ideas. 

People have used an old circular saw blade to create a clock, as an example. They use the blade as the clock face and then add a simple clock mechanism to get everything to work. It leaves you with something quite industrial in style, and I think it will turn out to be pretty cool.

But I want you to remember one thing: to make the blade safe if you intend to recycle it in this manner. 

For this, I would always recommend you attempt to take the very edge off the teeth to ensure they no longer have any sense of sharpness about them. I know this could take some time, and you don’t want to do too much to the point where it ruins the visual appearance of the circular saw blade. 

Option 5: Turn Them Into Art

I’m kind of staying with the decor idea for a bit longer, but this time it’s all about turning your saw blades into a piece of art.

This time, it’s not about putting them together with other blades. Instead, what some people have done is to use the old blade as a type of canvas for art. 

People paint on these blades and even laser print logos onto them. They can certainly be transformed thanks to applying any type of design on there, and the real limit is simply your imagination.

The cool thing is you can actually find some examples of what other people have managed to do with this type of art online. I’d recommend checking them out first, as it may give you some ideas as to the possibilities of the kinds of designs you could actually come up with.

You may be surprised at how popular painted circular saw blades are, and I would check them out in advance if this is something you may be interested in doing.

Option 6: A Funky Wind Chime

So I know this is not going to be something that appeals to every individual, but you could create your own rustic wind chime for your yard using the circular saw blade as the weight on the bottom.

All you need for this is to get some pipes, string, and your old saw blade. Put everything together, and you will be surprised at how incredible this can end up looking. You may want to file down the teeth on the saw blade a bit, if there’s still some sharpness, to ensure your wind chime lasts longer. 

Option 7: Re-sharpen Them

The final option I want to mention is the possibility of resharpening the blades. Some people can do this at home, but even if that’s not the case for you, companies exist that will do it for you.

I think this is a good idea if the blade is just on the downside regarding sharpness. At that point, just spending time getting it back to how it used to be could mean you can continue using the blade for some time.

I do feel that if you have never sharpened anything before, hiring a professional to do it for you is a better idea. There’s a good chance you could end up damaging the blade on your first attempt. 

As you can see, you do have a number of options available when it comes to your old circular saw blades. However, I have one final key point to mention, and that’s how to dispose of your old blades in a safe manner.

How to Dispose of Old Circular Saw Blades Safely

If you come to the conclusion that you wish to dispose of your old circular saw blades, then you need to understand how to do so safely. Remember, just because your saw blade is not cutting wood the way it used to does not mean the blade is completely blunt. So, safety is a significant issue and is not something you can overlook.

The main thing here is to ensure the teeth on the blade are covered. Alternatively, you can look at filing the teeth down to prevent any sharp teeth from coming through. Yes, I know that may take some time for you to do, but I feel it’s always worth taking your time to carry out the correct safety precautions. 

However, even after doing that, I would still suggest you wrap up the blade by covering it up with an old towel or something that can create a barrier. You certainly do not want something that the teeth on the blade could simply cut through. That would defeat the purpose.

This approach will prove to be particularly useful if you plan on just throwing things into the trash. Remember that it’s still possible for you to cut yourself when it comes to an old blade.

I would even use this approach if I intended to donate that old blade to somebody else. However, as you will be handing the blades over in person, I would not stress out about it to the same extent. 

If wrapping up an old blade for disposal, I’d ensure I went over the top just to be on the safe side. It’s always best to do this since you never know what could happen when disposing of something that was previously used to cut tough wood.

But as long as you take your time to effectively remove the danger, then disposing of an old circular saw blade should certainly not prove to be too difficult. 

Overall Conclusion

So those are your options when it comes to what you can do with your old circular saw blades. I admit that some of them may come out of the left field, but it shows what you can manage to come up with if you are only willing to think out of the box.

At the end of the day, we will all get to a point where that circular saw blade is past its best. However, at least now you have some options on what you can go ahead and do with them, especially if you feel that throwing them straight in the trash is not the thing you want to do.

I find it pretty cool that you can effectively breathe new life into those old circular saw blades. All it takes is some imagination on your part, and who knows what could end up appearing at the end of it all. 

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