LUX MASTER SLIM 10D LipoLaser Body shape machine

04 Apr.,2024

LUX MASTER SLIM 10D LipoLaser Body shape machine


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LUX MASTER SLIM 10D LipoLaser Body shape machine


 LUX MASTER SLIM 10D LipoLaser Body shape machine

Laser Slimming Machine works by utilizing green low level laser technology to emulsify adipose tissue, which is then released into the interstitial space. Our bodies remove the fat from the area and transport it through the lymphatic system.

The process occurs gradually over the course of about 2-4 weeks. Patients can continue their everyday routines immediately after treatment.

Unlike liposuction or cryolipolysis, 10D laser Slim treatments empty the fat cells but don’t destroy them. This is an important distinction between cold-laser sculpting and some of the competitors. While killing fat cells may sound like a permanent solution to fat accumulation, it can be dangerous. If you gain weight after those treatments end, the body can only store fat in the remaining cells, resulting in increased fat accumulation elsewhere.

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