What is a Beverage Cooler?

14 Nov.,2023


Beverage coolers, also called beverage refrigerators or beverage centers, are designed to hold and chill beverages. Beverage coolers can hold a variety of different drinks, such as soda, canned beer, bottled beer, seltzers, and even some wines.

They come with shelves, often metal or glass, to accommodate the different drink styles. Some manufacturers make options with removeable shelves for additional convenience.

Beverage coolers can come in freestanding or built-in models. Freestanding beverage coolers require clearance around the unit in order to properly dissipate heat. Built-in models vent out of the front to exhaust the hot air, so they don’t need the same strict clearance requirements as freestanding units. This allows them to install alongside cabinetry.

Beverage coolers differ from wine coolers because beverage coolers typically get a few degrees colder than wine fridges. Wine can’t get too cold or it risks damaging the wine so you can’t always store beverages in the same cooler. Additionally, beverage coolers are often bigger.

With high quality products and considerate service, we will work together with you to enhance your business and improve the efficiency. Please don't hesitate to contact us to get more details of Beverage Cooler Manufacturer.