US Stock LYXC Compact Design Laser Cleaning Machine MAX 1000W Laser Cleaner Machine for Rust Removal CW Fiber Laser Cleaning Machine for Metals with Paint Oil Dirt Stains Coating Remover :

21 Nov.,2023


As a general contractor, I accumulate a massive amount of stray nails and screws that have fallen on the ground and been forgotten about. I have a laborer roll a magnet over the whole job site every week and he collects about a gallon jug full of hardware. Unfortunately, most of these pieces become rusted from sitting out in the weather on the ground for so long and just get thrown away. That was, until I found this laser. Now everything has changed. My laborer collects the hardware, places them on a sheet of steel I paid to have brought in just for this, and blasts away all the rust completely! It only takes him a few hours, from rolling the magnet to restocking the “new” hardware back in the hardware trailer. I figure I must save anywhere from $20-$40, every single week! All thanks to this laser. If you’re going to hear anything I’ve said- hear this: If you’re contemplating buying, but just aren’t sure about the investment, your dilemma ends here. I’ve done the math- in as little as 11 years, (not including the cost of paying my laborer for the process), this baby will have paid for itself! Thanks magic laser!

With high quality products and considerate service, we will work together with you to enhance your business and improve the efficiency. Please don't hesitate to contact us to get more details of handheld laser cleaning machine price.