Praetorian Fiber Optic Sensing for Perimeter Security and Threat Detection

21 Nov.,2023


Principle of Operation

Using a combination of Rayleigh backscatter and time of flight, the Praetorian determines the presence, location, intensity and frequency of vibrations along an optical fiber in real time.

Rayleigh backscatter responds to vibrations applied to the fiber. HAWKÍS signal analysis software allows the Praetorian to quicklydetermine the most likely origin of the vibration and report any error signals to security personnel without notifying an intruder of their detection.

The location of the vibration is determined using a "Time of Flight" calculation. When a laser pulse is emitted from the system a fast clock is started. As backscattered light is returned to the detector, it is recorded for further analysis and time stamped. Due to the speed of light being constant within a fiber this time stamp corresponds to a distance on the fiber.

With high quality products and considerate service, we will work together with you to enhance your business and improve the efficiency. Please don't hesitate to contact us to get more details of fiber optic fence security system.