Electric Bikes and Scooters

20 Mar.,2024


Electric bikes are here to change the face of personal transportation. But how do they compare to more established modes of alternative transportation, like a moped or scooter? Are there any meaningful differences between a moped and scooter? Would you get more use out of an electric bike vs a moped?

Check out these answers from experts in electric bikes and scooters to find out!

E-Bike, Moped, or Scooter?

Yes, all these usually have two, and sometimes three, wheels, but they are actually very different. The differences between a moped, scooter, and e-bike are in their legal requirements, riding styles, costs, and overall benefits.


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So, what are e-bikes? According to the Independent: “Electric bikes offer all the benefits of a scooter, and none of the downsides”.

Electric bicycles have pedals, but they also have an electric motor to help riders along while riding uphill or against the wind. E-bikes don’t require a license, insurance, or registration to own or ride.

Moreover, electric bikes offer you an excellent cardio workout, comparable to conventional bikes, with the added benefit that you can let the motor pick up the slack when you’re tired.

Electric bikes have motors of one horsepower or less, and they are legally allowed to go up to 20 miles per hour. Note that you can easily go faster if you pedal hard, burning more calories. Moreover, when the battery runs out, you can use your e-bike as a conventional bike with no drawbacks.

E-bikes can be easily converted as mountain e-bikes to take you off-road, while mopeds are strictly designed for city riding.

Finally, electric bicycles (vs mopeds) are considered bicycles for all intents and purposes. This means you’re allowed to ride on bike lanes and enjoy any other benefit aimed at cyclists.


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The term “scooter” refers to various different vehicles. Electric scooters are actually electric mopeds, and that’s one of the main sources of confusion for those who are shopping for both electric bikes and scooters. As with mopeds, these scooters require insurance, a license, and registration to drive legally in the US, though laws vary by state.

There also exist electric kick scooters, which are similar to conventional kick scooters but also pack an electric motor. Another type of scooter is the mobility scooter, which are designed as mobility vehicles for people with limited mobility.


Mopeds have no pedals. One difference between a moped and scooter is that mopeds are basically low-powered motorbikes with less than two horsepower and a max speed of 30 miles per hour.

Mopeds require insurance and registration, and you need a license to drive one. They are powered either by a gas engine or a battery.

Take Your Bike to the Next Level

Whether you have a regular bike, moped, or scooter, you should really look into e-bikes for all the reasons we’ve seen above. Here at Leeds Bikes, we offer electric bikes and scooters, as well as incredible kits to convert your bike into an e-bike and get all the benefits at a lower price.

Check out our site for health and lifestyle tips, bike reviews, and tons of articles on e-bikes that will help you make informed decisions and level up your favorite means of transportation today!


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