How many grams of praziquantel can a dog have?

25 Mar.,2024


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Praziquantel is a narrow-spectrum anthelmintic effective basically against tapeworms and a few specific fluke species (e.g. Eurytrema pancreaticum, Schistosoma spp). It is ineffective against any kind of roundworms and external parasites.

It is the most used taenicide in dogs and cats (mainly in the form of tablets, pills, etc, oral suspensions and a few injectables) as well as horses (mostly in oral pastes & gels), very frequently combined with an appropriate nematicide (e.g. ivermectin, pyrantel). There are hundreds of generic brands containing praziquantel worldwide. Use in ruminants or swine is marginal.

Praziquante is also used as a human medicine. It is not used against agricultural or household pests.<

Praziquantel has almost no residual effect, i.e. it kills the parasites during a few hours after treatment but offers no significant protection against re-infestation.

The table below indicates some usual dosing recommendations for praziquantel issued by manufacturers or documented in the scientific literature. They may not be approved in some countries.

DISCLAIMER: Liability is denied for any possible damage or harm to persons, animals or any other goods that could follow the transmission or use of the information, data or recommendations in this site by any site visitor or third parties.

Dosing recommendations for antiparasitics depend on national regulations. National regulatory authorities determine whether a product is approved for a given indication, i.e. use on a particular host at a specific dose and against a specific parasite. Check the labels of the products available in your country for specific information on approved indications.


  • Click here to view the technical summary of this active ingredient
  • Click here to view the safety summary of this active ingredient
  • Click here to view the list of all technical summaries of antiparasitic active ingredients in this site.

Vitafel S 1 ml serum for cats – 5 ampoules Vitafel is a drug that has a positive effect on the animal’s body. The drug is often used in veterinary medicine and is recommended by many specialists. Description of the drug The preparation is based on serum, which was produced from donated blood of healthy cats. The drug is a transparent liquid with a characteristic reddish tint. As a result of storage, a precipitate may form at the bottom of the bottle, which disappears upon shaking, forming a homogeneous mass. The tool is aimed at creating passive immunity, therefore, the drug is often recommended for use as a preventive measure. Temporary protection of the body lasts about two weeks. In most cases, the drug is prescribed to cats or other animals of this family. He actively fights symptoms: rhinotracheitis; chlamydia; panleukopenia; calicivirus, etc.

How many grams of praziquantel can a dog have?

Dewormer for Dogs praziquantel pyrantela pamoate

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