Starting Seeds In Trays or Soil Blocking — Bel Fiore Co. Flower Bar

01 Dec.,2023


  1. Fill your tray inserts with seed starting soil mix and water in with a watering can.

  2. Place your flat into your tray with no holes. When you need to water, you will lift up the flat of inserts holding your seedlings and use a watering can or cup of water to fill the tray. Seedlings will soak up water from the bottom. Do not overhead water as the small seedlings can wash away. 

  3. Using your pencil or end of your sharpie, make a small hole if needed, otherwise sow your seed on top. You can find germination instructions for almost all kinds of seeds - flowers and vegetables, at Click on each seed page and scroll down to see the tab for growing instructions. 

  4. Using your dish and toothpick, wet one end and gently pick up each seed to place into each cell. After seeding, do a light dusting of vermiculite to cover seedlings.

  5. Place your humidity dome over the flat. 

  6. Put your tray with seeds in the warmest place you have in the house or onto a heat mat. 

  7. Once the seeds have germinated, place them in a very sunny window or under a shop light with one warm bulb and one cool bulb. 14- 16 hours of light is ideal. You want the light source as close to the seedlings as possible, moving it upward as the seeds grow.

  8. Keep seedlings above above 70 F degrees, but no lower than 65 F. 

  9. Check on your tray each day and watch for signs of drying out. Bottom water or use a spray bottle to keep soil moist. 

  10. Once seedlings are ready to be planted outdoors and after threat of frost has passed, it’s important to do something called “hardening off.” Take them outside and place under shelter for a few hours each day, increasing the time each day until they are outside all day and night before planting. This helps them adjust to coming from the inside to the outside. 

Want more information on Microgreen Trays, 50 Cell Big Size Seedling Tray, Seed Sprouting Trays? Click the link below to contact us.