Pouring concrete stem wall using plywood forms

12 Dec.,2023


I think I picture it better now. Seems to me it would be much easier to get the standard snap ties. Your gonna have a lot of your 1" fb sticking out after you remove the forms. With snap ties you can just twist them off. Very simple. With FB you will have to cut them off with a torch if they are above grade. As far as whether the forms are sufficient, typically you would use 1" ply for a stem wall 4' tall. You can compensate for thinner ply by adding more cross ties but it is still a risk of blowout.

Are you pouring the footing first or all in one pour? If 2 pours, how are you anchoring the bottom horizontal 2x4's to the footing and how will you tie in the vertical 2x4's to the top and bottom 2x4"?


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. Plato


B biggest
I idot
D democrats
E ever
N nominated

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