Metal Spinning 101: A Complete Guide

01 Sep.,2023


The metal spinning trade is one which dates back to antiquity. The skill was in use as far back as the Ancient Egyptian era when metal spinning was limited to soft metals spun by human power on primitive lathes. The technique saw significant advances with the advent of hydro and steam power in Europe and North America in the 19th Century, and by the early 20th Century the electric motor provided the necessary power and high-speed turning capability. Metal spinning craftsmen were now able to turn out quality workpieces in brass, copper, aluminum, and even stainless and cold-rolled steel.

Traditionally, metal spinning has been associated primarily with low volume production, chiefly due to the requirement for highly skilled human operators in a trade with a rather steep learning curve. While the metal turning process and its machine and tooling setups are quite fundamental, developing the required hand eye-coordination may involve a relatively long period of apprenticeship before the skill is mastered.

The dawning of the digital age in manufacturing has advanced metal spinning in a way that makes it cost-effective for both prototyping and volume production.

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