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09 Sep.,2023


Hi, I have a node server that generate specific file. It takes about 100ms-400ms to generate one file. It takes lot of time because because I execute python program in part of the process.


So more there are concurrent users, and more it takes time to generate one file.


I would like to generate 1-2 files max at a time. And all the other incoming requests are 'buffered' in some way.


But I don't know what the best solution for my case.


I discover a message queue system is probably what I need. But there are just too many choices (on cloud, self-hosted...). The cloud service seem pricy for my case. Self-hosted seem complicated to set up.


I just want the simplest possible thing to buffer the spike of request for one endpoint. I know there are lot of smart guy here, so maybe you can give me your thought on this.


Thank you

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